
Day 12: Launceston to Lydford

March 12
Kilometers: 29?
Ascent: 450?
Horses: 1
Coos: 5

Today has been a strange day. It started out ok, cold and windy with some showers. 

I'm in Devon!

I was strangely tired as I plodded along, but thought the reason was that I didn't eat well yesterday. Today turned out to be just as bad, the pub where I intended to have lunch was closed. 

Just a pretty cottage I passed 

People here seem to be excellent drivers. They drive fast on narrow roads, but still manage to steer clear of other cars and walkers. Their brakes must be very good. I did see two car crashes yesterday, though, both in Launceston.

As I was walking along the road I came across two Highway Maintenance cars. One of the men started talking to me and said that I'd walked a long way, he had seen me earlier outside Tesco. We had a chat and I told him what I was doing. Only later a started wondering which Tesco? The only one I could remember passing was two days ago.

As the day wore on I got very tired and I realized I might be coming down with a cold, so I decided to change the route and walk to Okehampton. When I was 15 a friend and I went to Belstone, a tiny village outside of Okehampton, for Summer English school/horse riding camp. I remember we walked down to Okehampton a couple of times to go to the pub, but I didn't recognize anything. Anyway, walking to Okehampton would be longer, but with less hills, and I can't do hills this afternoon. Also  I could have something to eat!

I had lunch and then took the bus to my hotel for the night, hoping I'll feel better tomorrow.

Fox and Hounds Hotel in Lydford

The room was freezing, no heat on and near outside temperature 🥶. I went down to the pub, where it was nice and warm, to wait for my room to heat up a bit, which it did eventually.

I had problems measuring distance/ascent today, so the numbers given are an estimate. Maybe I can figure it out later.


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